The group analtic psychotherapy training in Bengaluru, India, is sustained through fees and donations.
All monies raised through these lectures are treated as donations and handed over to the registered charity, 'Group Analysis India' (Charity Number: 1192636)
To join the email list for ocassional news of fund-raising Zoom lectures, click here.

    Saturdays 2pm to 4pm  (UK times)
    2pm to 3pm          Talk
    3.05 to 3.30          Small Group discussion
    3.30pm to 4pm     Whole group discussion

          Fee: £20 + optional donation
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Critical Group Analysis, India
Fund Raising

We are only able to sustain the group analytic training programme in India, through fund raising here in the UK for several reasons.

First and foremost, the fees being charged to the Indian candidates, which although considerable from an Indian perspective, are unable to meet the costs of the programme.

Second, even if we were able to raise sufficient money in India through whatever means, the Indian Government prohibits the payment of foreign professionals, particularly by charities like HNI (the institution that is hosting our training in Bengaluru).
It is for this reason that we have to raise funds outside of India.

To this end we have started the charity Group Analysis India (Charity Number 1192636) , the function of which is to raise funds to pay the costs of teachers, supervisors and group therapists.

Many colleagues and well wishers have supported us through one-off or regular monthly donations - for which we are very grateful. However, there continues to be a considerable shortfall.

This event, and others like it, are in the service of this end.
Further details of the training can be found here

If you would like to make further one-off or regular donations, please visit our website or contact us.

    June 15, 2024     Anup Dhar

While Freud was developing a particular contour of psychoanalysis in the West, another doctor-turned-analyst – Girindrasekhar Bose (1886-1953) – was developing the coordinates of A New Theory of Mental Life in India far away from the Western metropolis, . Bose was in conversation with Freud between 1921 and 1937, through a series of letters.

Bose repeatedly offered Freud a way to rethink the central and original tenets of psychoanalysis like repression, Oedipality, castration and the unconscious roots of gendering.

Meanwhile Freud repeatedly tried to reduce Bose’s re-theorization of psychoanalysis to a particularity and peculiarity of the Indian psyche.

In effect, Bose was offering Freud (and the West) an alternative to Freud’s An Outline of Psychoanalysis, this being An Indian outline of psychoanalysis Indian. In this endeavor Bose drew on resources not from Greek tragedy – but from a medieval form of spirituality called Sahajiya.

In this talk Anup Dhar puts Bose and Freud (and by default east and west, North and South, colonizer and colonized) in dialogue to work towards a spiritualized outline of psychoanalysis (and against a medicalized and religious one).   

Anup Dhar, has a training in Medicine, and is a former Professor of Philosophy and Psychology. He has been a Fellow at The Hans Kilian and Lotte Köhler Center (KKC) for Cultural Psychology and Historical Anthropology, Ruhr-University Bochum (2022, 2023).

Some of his co-authored books include

Dislocation and Resettlement in Development: From Third World to World of the Third (Routledge, 2009),

World of the Third and Global Capitalism: Between Marx and Freud (Palgrave Macmillan, 2023)

রাজনীতির ভূত-ভবিষ্যৎ

(The Past and Future of the ‘Political’ [Ananda Publishers, 2023]).

Breaking the Silo: Integrated Science Education in India (Orient Blackswan, 2017)

Psychoanalysis from Indian Terroir: Emerging Themes in Culture, Family, and Childhood (Lexington Books, 2018),

Marx, Marxism and the Spiritual (Routledge, 2020) and Clinic, Critique, Culture: Psychoanalysis from India (forthcoming).

He is completing a book on Girindrasekhar Bose titled Aboriginal Psychoanalysis.

He is a Member of the Editorial Board of Rethinking Marxism ( He is also the Editor of the Journal of Practical Philosophy ( 

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Anup Dhar

Psychoanalysis: East and West
Conversations between Sigmund Freud & Girindrasekhar Bose
(Arnav Nagpal QC2 Student)

Click here to register and pay for Anup Dhar, June 15, 2024
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Fund Raising Zoom Lectures
Click here to register and pay for Anup Dhar, June 15, 2024
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